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时间:2019-02-22 浏览:

本文转自《Breakthrough Energy》发布的题为“Advancing the Landscape of Clean Energy Innovation ”的报道。



The world is experiencing an energy transition that has potential to power economic growth, while also tackling the worst impacts of climate change.


“Advancing the Landscape of Clean Energy Innovation” explores how the U.S. can be at the forefront of this transition by building on its strong tradition of collaboration along the entire chain of energy innovation – from basic research to deployment.

“推进清洁能源创新的前景”探讨了美国如何走在这一转型的最前沿,建立在整个能源创新链上的强大合作传统 - 从基础研究到部署。

Breakthrough Energy commissioned this report, authored by IHS Markit and Energy Futures Initiative, because a large part of the transition to a lower carbon future will require building supportive market and policy environments. The report evaluates the range of opportunities for public and private investment in the U.S., and offers a roadmap to bringing more reliable, low-emission energy technologies to market.

突破能源委托本报告由IHS Markit和能源期货计划撰写,因为向低碳未来过渡的很大一部分将需要建立支持性的市场和政策环境。 该报告评估了美国公共和私人投资的机会范围,并提供了将更可靠,低排放的能源技术推向市场的路线图。

What It Will Take


1)Focus on developing and commercializing affordable, reliable, zero-emissions technologies that have the biggest impact. Nobody yet knows what the energy mix of tomorrow will look like. Investors, policymakers, and industry need to explore all possible paths. Public and private sector investments should favor a diverse mix of technologies to decarbonize across the sectors contributing most to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: electricity, transportation, industry, agriculture, and buildings.

专注于开发和商业化具有最大影响的经济,可靠,零排放技术。 还没有人知道明天的能量组合会是什么样子。 投资者,政策制定者和行业需要探索所有可能的途径。 公共和私营部门的投资应该倾向于各种技术组合,以便在对全球温室气体(GHG)排放贡献最大的部门(电力,交通,工业,农业和建筑物)中进行脱碳。

This report identifies a shortlist of potential “breakthrough technologies” where the U.S. is already far ahead in both science and investments. These solutions have the highest potential impact on GHG emissions and also show the most promise for deployment at scale.

本报告列出了潜在的“突破性技术”的候选名单,其中美国在科学和投资方面已经遥遥领先。 这些解决方案对温室气体排放的潜在影响最大,也显示出大规模部署的最大希望。

2)Increase and better target public investment across all innovation stages, from fundamental research through commercial scale demonstration. Many programs in the federal government research pipeline are not optimized to the technologies that will help solve the climate crisis while driving economic growth. Instead, public investments largely center on basic R&D, while not focusing enough on the timely and successful transition of those innovations into the marketplace. The government needs to better target investment in solutions that have the highest breakthrough potential, and to do so at the most critical times in their path to commercialization.


3)Modernize the U.S. federal research and innovation programs to prioritize the innovation potential of possible solutions. The U.S. currently aligns federal innovation programs and dollars around fuels (nuclear, fossil, renewable, etc.) rather than around their application in the modern energy sector. Upgrading that organizing structure will better align public research priorities with private sector investment, evolving energy systems, and technology’s eventual application in the market.


4)Incentivize deeper collaboration between government partners, academia, and the private sector to quickly commercialize energy technologies and build new companies and industries. The U.S. needs better and more efficient platforms for engagement between the public and private sectors. This should include building innovative partnerships across sectors, as well as designing regulatory structures that make clean energy investments more attractive.

鼓励政府合作伙伴,学术界和私营部门之间加强合作,以快速商业化能源技术,建立新的公司和行业。 美国需要更好,更有效的公共和私营部门参与平台。 这应该包括建立跨部门的创新伙伴关系,以及设计监管结构,使清洁能源投资更具吸引力。

5)Ensure regional, state, local, and tribal governments can be key drivers for innovation. These governments play central roles in advancing clean energy innovation by creating markets and encouraging diffusion of new technologies across their economies. But to ensure success, governments need to modernize the way they establish best practices, build capacity, allocate resources, and update business models.

确保地区,州,地方和部落政府成为创新的关键驱动力。 这些政府通过创造市场和鼓励新技术在其经济中的传播,在推动清洁能源创新方面发挥着核心作用。 但为了确保成功,政府需要使他们建立最佳实践,构建容量,分配资源和更新业务模型的方式现代化。

Where To Start


This is a daunting task, but there are ways to meet the challenge. The U.S. needs policies that account for the complexities of this problem. That includes understanding how to deploy the viable technologies that already exist, and also developing new solutions – all while being open to any solution that helps us avoid the worst effects of climate change.

这是一项艰巨的任务,但有很多方法可以应对挑战。 美国需要制定解决这一问题复杂性的政策。 这包括了解如何部署已有的可行技术,以及开发新的解决方案 - 同时对任何有助于我们避免气候变化最严重影响的解决方案持开放态度。

Everyone has a role to play, and here’s what can be done right now:


Federal Government Action /联邦政府行动

  • Assign federal investments in energy research, development, deployment, and diffusion (RDD&D) around a technology-neutral structure that weighs potential breakthrough technologies serving similar needs and prioritizes investment based on market potential /将联邦在能源研究,开发,部署和推广(RDD&D)方面的投资分配给技术中立的结构,该结构权衡了提供类似需求的潜在突破性技术,并根据市场潜力确定投资优先级
  • Explore dedicated funding sources for energy innovation to ensure predictable and increasing levels of clean energy RDD&D /探索能源创新的专用资金来源,以确保可预测和不断增加的清洁能源RDD&D水平
  • Prioritize investments in a diverse mix of breakthrough technologies to decarbonize the economy – including energy storage, advanced nuclear, and carbon capture/utilization/storage (CCUS) /优先投资各种突破性技术,使经济脱碳 - 包括储能,先进核能和碳捕获/利用/储存(CCUS)

State and Local Government Action /州和地方政府行动

  • Adopt technology-neutral clean energy portfolio standards and zero-emissions credits to strengthen clean energy markets /采用技术中立的清洁能源组合标准和零排放信用额度来加强清洁能源市场
  • Adapt existing ratemaking principles to incentivize utilities to deploy existing clean energy technologies, test emerging energy breakthroughs, and realize value from behind-the-meter tools /调整现有的费率制定原则,以激励公用事业公司部署现有清洁能源技术,测试新兴能源突破,并通过幕后工具实现价值

Private Sector Action /私营部门行动

  • Form partnerships with other companies, investors, national labs, economic development entities, and philanthropies to expand regionally-based incubator and test-bed facilities to speed the pace of prototyping, demonstration, and commercial readiness of new technology and systems innovations /与其他公司,投资者,国家实验室,经济发展实体和慈善机构建立合作伙伴关系,以扩大基于区域的孵化器和试验台设施,加快新技术和系统创新的原型设计,演示和商业准备的步伐
  • Engage with the federal government to identify and prioritize research needs and commercialization pathways for promising technology ventures that are otherwise not commercially viable /与联邦政府合作,确定研究需求和商业化途径的优先顺序,以寻找在商业上不可行的有前景的技术企业
  • Encourage new ARPA-E-like approaches to targeting federal RDD&D funds in ways that can further incentivize and leverage private sector investment in energy innovation (e.g., set asides to accelerate de-risking of near-commercial technologies) /鼓励采用新的类似ARPA-E的方法,以进一步激励和利用私营部门对能源创新的投资(例如,设置旁边加速近商业技术的风险),以联邦RDD&D基金为目标



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