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时间:2018-12-24 浏览:

本文转自《Energy Technologies Institute》发布的题为“Delaying commercial scale deployment of CCUS increases risk and the costs of a UK energy transition to low carbon”的报道。



New report supports extensive research that has consistently demonstrated that Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) deployment is a key component in minimising costs in the transition to a low carbon energy system.


New electricity system analysis shows that the UK is likely to need low carbon baseload generation to complement renewables – gas power with CCUS and new nuclear are worthy of comparable effort.

新的电力系统分析表明,英国可能需要低碳基本负荷发电来补充可再生能源 - 使用CCUS和新核电的天然气电力值得同等努力。

If CCUS is not deployed by 2030 carbon abatement costs will rise to circa £1 billion a year – and could double before 2050.

如果到2030年CCUS没有部署,碳减排成本将每年增加到大约10亿英镑 - 并且可能在2050年前翻一番。

Gas power stations with CCUS fitted can provide anchor loads for CO2 pipelines and stores that serve emerging CCUS clusters, unlocking a pathway for CCUS to cut emissions in industry and support hydrogen production.


If Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) is not deployed over the next decade, the UK’s transition to a low carbon energy system will face increased risk and higher costs says a new report released today by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI).


‘Still in the mix? Understanding the role of Carbon Capture Usage and Storage’, was written by the Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) for the ETI, and takes into account recent cost reductions in renewables and the latest ETI modelling on CCUS costs. The report reaffirms previous ETI work on the importance of CCUS deployment by 2030, without which carbon abatement costs will increase by circa £1billion a year. The research also cements ETI analysis that if CCUS is not developed at all before 2050, the ‘national bill’ for low carbon energy that year would be circa £35bn higher – equivalent to circa 1% of expected GDP.

'还混在一起吗? 了解碳捕集使用和储存的作用',被写进能源系统弹射器(ESC)为ETI编写的报告中,并考虑了可再生能源的成本降低以及ETI对CCUS成本的最新建模。 该报告再次肯定了ETI之前关于CCUS部署到2030年的重要性的工作,没有这项工作,碳减排成本每年将增加约10亿英镑。 该研究还强调了ETI分析,如果在2050年之前CCUS尚未发展,那么当年低碳能源的“国家法案”将高出约350亿英镑 - 相当于预期GDP的1%左右。

The report highlights gas power with CCUS (up to 3GW) as an effective low carbon electricity option that can be deployed cost-effectively before 2030 within an electricity generation mix that meets the 5th carbon budget. The report concludes that early investment in gas power CCUS in favourable locations for a CCUS industrial cluster represents the most straightforward, deliverable and best value approach to early deployment of the technology.

该报告强调了CCUS(高达3GW)的燃气动力作为一种有效的低碳电力选择,可以在2030年之前在符合第五碳预算的发电组合中经济有效地部署。 该报告的结论是,对CCUS产业集群有利位置的早期天然气电力CCUS投资代表了该技术早期部署的最直接,可交付和最有价值的方法。

The ETI has spent 10 years carrying out extensive research on the deployment of CCUS and for this report commissioned analysis from Baringa Partners and Frontier Economics. Baringa explored cost optimal pathways for decarbonising electricity out to 2050 with a focus on the pre-2030s. Frontier Economics produced illustrative analysis against a baseline scenario informed by the assumptions constructed by Baringa’s work.

ETI花了10年时间对CCUS的部署进行了广泛的研究,并且本报告委托Baringa Partners和Frontier Economics进行了分析。 Baringa探索了成本最优化途径,将电力脱碳至2050年,重点关注2030年代之前。 Frontier Economics根据Baringa工作构建的假设,对基线情景进行了说明性分析。

Andrew Haslett

Chief Engineer



This new report produced for us by the ESC confirms our belief that CCUS is highly versatile and valuable as an enabler of a wide range of options to meet carbon targets at low cost, and the technology is vital to an affordable low carbon transition for the UK. When account is taken of the potential benefits of CCUS to wider energy system decarbonisation, the case becomes compelling. By not deploying CCUS the UK could see the cost of a low carbon transition rise significantly, putting pressure on renewables generation capacity.

ESC为我们制作的这份新报告证实了我们的信念,即CCUS具有高度的通用性和价值,可以作为各种方案的推动者,以低成本实现碳目标,而且该技术对于英国可负担的低碳转型至关重要 。当考虑到CCUS对更广泛的能源系统脱碳的潜在好处时,案件变得引人注目。如果不部署CCUS,英国可以看到低碳转型成本显着上升,给可再生能源发电能力带来压力。

This report is based on new modelling runs using our Energy System Modelling Environment (ESME), an internationally peer reviewed planning capability, and fully reflects recent cost reductions in renewables. Coupled with the Baringa and Frontier Economic work the analysis has shown CCUS to be vital in the whole energy system, with the added potential to support hydrogen production before 2030 with biomass gasification allowing for negative emissions in the medium term. The ‘least cost’ pathway in ESME to meeting 2050 carbon targets includes 4GW of gas with CCUS by 2040, rising to 6GW by 2050.


We believe that CCUS retains a key role as part of a least cost portfolio of low carbon technologies for the UK and will increase the options for decarbonised electricity, reducing deployment risks for other technologies.”




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