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紧急温室气体减排计划可能会使英国达到“净零”目标 - 报告

时间:2018-09-25 浏览:

本文转自《The guardian》发表的题为“Urgent greenhouse gas removal plan could see UK hit 'net zero' target – report”的报道。

作者:Fiona Harvey



Tree-planting, restoring wetlands and use of chemicals to remove CO2 from air needed, as well as cutting new emissions, say scientists.



Tree planting in the National Forest, Burton-on-Trent. Trees act as a carbon sink so could play a major role in bringing down net emissions. Photograph: Bill Allsopp/Alamy

在特伦特伯顿国家森林植树。 树木充当碳汇,因此可以在降低净排放量方面发挥重要作用。 照片:Bill Allsopp / Alamy

Tree-planting, restoring wetlands and using chemicals to take carbon dioxide from the air will all be needed to reduce the UK’s greenhouse gases in line with government plans, scientists have said.


If these measures are taken urgently, they could make enough of a contribution to make the UK “net zero” in terms of carbon emissions by 2050. However, a major programme to bring them into effect would be needed as a matter of urgency.


“We will need to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere as well as work on ways to stop emitting so much in the first place,” said Nilay Shah, head of chemical engineering at Imperial College London, and a member of the working group on the report. “The very first thing we need to do is go to a very low number on emissions by 2050. If we work very hard on decarbonising energy and emissions from building and transport and industry, we can bring down emissions to 130m tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) by 2050 compared with 450 MtCO2e today.”

伦敦帝国理工学院化学工程系主任,工作组成员Nilay Shah说:“我们需要从大气中清除温室气体,并首先采取措施阻止排放。” “我们需要做的第一件事就是到2050年排放的数量非常少。如果我们非常努力地将建筑、运输和工业的能源和排放脱碳,我们可以到2015年将排放量减少到130MtCO2e(二氧化碳当量) ,与今天的450 MtCO2e相比。“

That remaining 130m tonnes “is very difficult to get rid of”, said Shah, partly as it comes from activities such as agriculture and aviation, which are hard to decarbonise. This left a gap which could only be filled by removing greenhouse gases from the air.

Shah说,剩下的1.3亿吨“非常难以清除”,部分原因在于农业和航空等难以脱碳的活动。 这留下了一个只能通过从空气中去除温室气体来填补的空隙。

In a joint report on greenhouse gas removal, the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering found that increasing the amount of forested land in the UK to 5% of land area could play a major role as trees act as a carbon sink. At the same time, farmers could be encouraged through incentives or subsidies to use their land to store carbon through better farming methods. Restoring natural features such as wetlands and marshes would also store more carbon.

在一份关于温室气体减排的联合报告中,英国皇家学会和皇家工程学院发现,将英国森林面积增加到5%的土地面积可能会起到重要作用,因为树木可以作为碳汇。 与此同时,可以通过激励措施或补贴鼓励农民利用土地通过更好的耕作方法储存碳。 恢复湿地和沼泽等自然特征也会储存更多的碳。

Construction companies should also be given incentives to use wood, which is a natural store of carbon, and cement can be manufactured with waste carbon dioxide to offset the emissions from its production.


However, while these measures together would account for about a quarter of the carbon reductions needed, technology to remove carbon from the air would also be required, the scientists said.


Some of this could be done by capturing carbon emissions at source, such as at power plants. Using bioenergy, such as wood, plants and waste, while capturing the resulting carbon dioxide is technically possible and should be pursued, the scientists urged. But they said other methods, such as direct air capture, would also be needed.

其中一些可以通过从源头捕获碳排放来完成,例如在发电厂。 科学家们敦促,使用生物能源,如木材,植物和废物,同时捕获所产生的二氧化碳在技术上是可行的,应该继续进行。 但他们表示还需要其他方法,例如直接空中捕获。

Direct air capture usually involves chemical processes called “scrubbing”, which means using compounds that react with carbon dioxide in the air to form new chemicals that can be safely disposed of, locking in the carbon. While scrubbing is commonly used to clean up other emissions, such as coal-plant emissions containing sulphur, using it to remove carbon from the air is difficult and can be costly.

直接空气捕获通常涉及称为“洗涤”的化学过程,这意味着使用与空气中的二氧化碳反应的化合物来形成可以安全处理的新化学物质,锁住碳。 虽然洗涤通常用于清除其他排放物,例如含有硫的煤电厂排放物,但是使用它来从空气中除去碳是困难的并且可能是昂贵的。

The report found that economically encouraging the use of direct air capture would require a price to be put on carbon dioxide, probably of as much as $100 a tonne.


Richard Black, director of the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, called the report “crucially important” for the UK’s low-carbon future. “It shows the UK can take its carbon emissions down to net zero by around mid-century and can do so affordably,” he said. “If anything, it has over-estimated the amount of negative emissions the UK will need, and yet still concludes that we can deliver.”

能源与气候情报部门主任理Richard Black称该报告对英国的低碳未来“至关重要”。 “这表明英国可以在本世纪中叶左右将其碳排放量降至净零,并且可以负担得起,”他说。 “如果有什么不同的话,那就是它高估了英国需要的负排放量,但仍然得出结论,我们可以提供。”

He pointed ahead to a major report coming from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change next month, which is expected to find that the world must achieve net zero emissions by 2050 to meet the Paris agreement targets. After that report, the UK’s statutory government advisors, the Committee on Climate Change, will issue formal advice on how the UK can meet such a target.


Black said: “This report, showing it is possible [to achieve net zero emissions], could not have come at a more opportune time.”


Direct air capture of carbon dioxide is different from the forms of carbon capture and storage (CCS) attached to power plants, which have been targeted in the past. For most of the past decade, the UK was pursuing carbon capture and storage technologies focused on taking carbon emissions from fossil fuel power plants and storing them under the North Sea, with several companies working on the technology. However, the previous government pulled the plug on those plans and the UK no longer has any pilot projects for CCS from power plants, though other countries have moved ahead with pioneering projects.


Shah said CCS for power plants would also be needed, in addition to direct air capture, if the UK is to continue to use fossil fuels. Such plants could all share the same transport and storage infrastructure, bringing down costs.

Shah表示,如果英国要继续使用化石燃料,除了直接空气捕获外,还需要用于发电厂的CCS。 这些工厂可以共享相同的运输和存储基础设施,从而降低成本。



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