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时间:2018-10-26 浏览:

本文转自《》发表的题为“Increased efforts on carbon capture and storage”的报道。



In the national budget for 2019, the Norwegian government proposes to allocate about NOK 670 million to work on carbon capture and storage (CCS). This is an increase of more than NOK 160 million compared to the final budget for 2018.

在2019年的国家预算中,挪威政府提议拨出约6.7亿挪威克朗用于碳捕集与封存(CCS)。 与2018年的最终预算相比,这增加了超过1.6亿挪威克朗。

The proposal includes funds for continuing the work on a full scale carbon capture and storage project in Norway. The Government also proposes to increase the funding for Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) due to increased activity.

该提案包括继续挪威全面碳捕集与封存项目工作的资金。 由于活动增加,政府还建议增加蒙斯塔德技术中心(TCM)的资金。

- Both the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) point to carbon capture and storage as a necessary measure to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in line with the climate goals at the lowest possible costs. Therefore, the Government has made CCS one of five prioritized areas for national climate action. In the national budget for 2019, the Government proposes to increase the funding for this important work, says Minister of Petroleum and Energy Mr. Kjell-Børge Freiberg.

- 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)和国际能源机构(IEA)都指出碳捕获和储存是一项必要措施,以尽可能低的成本减少全球温室气体排放,符合气候目标。 因此,政府已将CCS列为国家气候行动的五个优先领域之一。 石油与能源部长Kjell-BørgeFreiberg先生说,在2019年的国家预算中,政府提议增加这项重要工作的资金。

The planning of a new full scale CCS project in Norway continues. The Government proposes to allocate NOK 175 million to his work in 2019. The government has earlier this year decided to fund FEED-studies of CO2-capture at two sites: Norcem's cement plant in Brevik and at Fortum Oslo Varme's waste incineration plant in Oslo. The companies Equinor, Total and Shell are cooperating on the studies of CO2-transport and storage, which will be continued as planned into FEED-studies in 2019.

挪威新的全面CCS项目的规划仍在继续。 政府计划在2019年为其工作拨款1.75亿挪威克朗。政府今年早些时候决定资助两个地点的FEED二氧化碳捕集研究:Norcem在布雷维克的水泥厂和位于奥斯陆的Fortum Oslo Varme废物焚烧厂。 Equinor,Total和Shell公司正在合作开展二氧化碳运输和储存研究,并将按计划继续进行2019年的FEED研究。

When FEED-studies are completed, external quality assessment of the project will be carried out before the Government concludes on whether the project should be realised. An investment decision may be taken in 2020/2021. At the time of the investment decision the government will consider the results from the FEED-studies, learning effect vs. resources spent and how demanding the project will be within budget constraints. The investment decision will be presented to the Parliament.

当FEED研究完成后,项目的外部质量评估将在政府决定是否应实现该项目之前进行。 可在2020/2021年作出投资决定。 在投资决策时,政府将考虑FEED研究的结果,学习效果与花费的资源以及项目在预算限制内的要求。 投资决定将提交议会。

- The government has an ambition to realise a cost effective solution for full scale CCS in Norway, provided this will result in technology development internationally. I am very pleased that the planning of this project now continues, and look forward to seeing the results of the ongoing studies, says Freiberg.

- 政府希望为挪威的全规模CCS实现具有成本效益的解决方案,前提是这将导致国际上的技术发展。 Freiberg说,我很高兴现在这个项目的规划工作仍在继续,并期待看到正在进行的研究的结果。

The government proposes to increase the funding of Technology Centre Mongstad to NOK 208 million in 2019. This is an increase of NOK 13 million compared to 2018 due to increased activity at TCM.


The TCM is the world's largest facility for testing and improving CO2 capture technologies and is a vital part of the government's work on CCS. Knowledge and experience from the TCM is also valuable for the planning of a new full scale CCS project in Norway.

TCM是世界上最大的测试和改进二氧化碳捕集技术的设施,也是政府CCS工作的重要组成部分。 TCM的知识和经验对于规划挪威新的全面CCS项目也很有价值。



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