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时间:2018-08-31 浏览:

本文转自《Energy CRSRport》发表的题为“Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) in the United States”的报道。



Carbon capture and sequestration (or storage)—known as CCS—is a process that involves capturing man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) at its source and storing it permanently underground. (CCS is sometimes referred to as CCUS—carbon capture, utilization, and storage.) CCS could reduce the amount of CO2—an important greenhouse gas—emitted to the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels at power plants and other large industrial facilities. The concept of carbon utilization has gained interest within Congress and in the private sector as a means for capturing CO2 and converting it into potentially commercially viable products, such as chemicals, fuels, cements, and plastics, thereby reducing emissions to the atmosphere and helping offset the cost of CO2 capture. Direct air capture is also an emerging technology, with the promise to remove atmospheric CO2 directly and reduce its concentration.

碳捕获和封存(或储存) - 被称为CCS-是一个涉及从其源头捕获人造二氧化碳(CO2)并将其永久储存在地下的过程。 (CCS有时被称为CCUS-碳捕获,利用和储存。)CCS可以减少二氧化碳的含量 - 二氧化碳是发电厂和其他大型工业设施燃烧化石燃料向大气排放的一种重要温室气体。 碳利用的概念在国会和私营部门中引起了人们的兴趣,作为捕获二氧化碳并将其转化为潜在商业上可行的产品(如化学品,燃料,水泥和塑料)的手段,从而减少向大气的排放并帮助抵消 二氧化碳捕获的成本。 直接空气捕获也是一项新兴技术,有望直接去除大气中的二氧化碳并降低其浓度。

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has funded research and development (R&D) of aspects of CCS since 1997 within its Fossil Energy Research and Development (FER&D) portfolio. Since FY2010, Congress has provided more than $5 billion total in appropriations for DOE CCS-related activities. The Trump Administration proposed to reduce FER&D funding substantially in its FY2018 and FY2019 budget requests, but Congress has not agreed to the proposed reductions. In FY2018, Congress increased funding for DOE FER&D by nearly $59 million (9%) compared to FY2017, and the House- and Senate-passed appropriations bills for FY2019 would match or increase the appropriated amount compared to what Congress enacted for FY2018 ($727 million).

自1997年以来,美国能源部(DOE)在其化石能源研究与开发(FER&D)组合中资助了CCS方面的研究与开发(R&D)。 自2010财年以来,国会已经为DOE CCS相关活动提供了超过50亿美元的拨款。 特朗普政府提议在2018财年和2019财年预算要求中大幅减少FER&D资金,但国会尚未同意拟议的削减。 在2018财政年度,与2017财年相比,国会为DOE FER&D增加了近5900万美元(9%)的资金,而且众议院和参议院通过的2019财年拨款账单将与国会于2018财年颁布的拨款相比或增加拨款额(7.27亿美元))。

The Petra Nova plant in Texas is the only U.S. fossil-fueled power plant currently generating electricity and capturing CO2 in large quantities (over 1 million tons per year). Globally, the Boundary Dam plant in Canada is the only other large-scale fossil-fueled power plant with CCS. Both facilities retrofitted post-combustion capture technology to units of existing plants, and both offset a portion of the cost of CCS by selling captured CO2 for the purpose of enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Some CCS proponents point to the expanded Section 45Q of the Internal Revenue Code tax credits for CO2 capture and sequestration or its use as a tertiary injectant for EOR or natural gas production that were enacted as part of P.L. 115-123 as a significant step toward incentivizing more development of large-scale CCS deployment like Petra Nova and Boundary Dam.

位于德克萨斯州的Petra Nova工厂是目前唯一一家发电并大量捕集二氧化碳(每年超过100万吨)的美国化石燃料发电厂。 在全球范围内,加拿大的边界大坝工厂是唯一一个拥有CCS的大型化石燃料发电厂。 两家工厂都将燃烧后捕集技术改造为现有工厂的单位,并通过出售捕获的二氧化碳来提高石油采收率(EOR),从而抵消了部分CCS成本。 一些CCS支持者指出,扩大了“国内税收法”第45Q部分关于二氧化碳捕获和封存的税收抵免,或将其用作EOR或天然气生产的三级注入剂,这些都是作为P.L.的一部分制定的。 115-123是迈向鼓励Petra Nova和Boundary Dam等大规模CCS部署更多发展的重要一步。

A number of bills introduced in the 115th Congress potentially would affect CCS in the United States. Several bills or provisions of bills address the Section 45Q tax credits (S. 1535, S. 1663, S. 2256, H.R. 1892, H.R. 2010, H.R. 3761, H.R. 4857). H.R. 1892, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, enacted into law as P.L. 115-123, amended Section 45Q and increased the amount of the tax credit from $20 to $50 per ton of CO2 for permanent sequestration, increased it from $10 to $35 for EOR purposes, and effectively removed the 75 million ton cap on the total amount of CO2 injected underground, among other changes. Some proponents suggest that enactment of this provision could be a “game changer” for CCS, leading to more widespread adoption of the technology, although others question whether the increased incentives are large enough to affect CCS deployment.

第115届国会提出的一些法案可能会影响美国的CCS。 法案的若干法案或条款涉及第45Q节税收抵免(S. 1535,S。1663,S。2256,H.R.1892,H.R.2010,H.R.3761,H.R.4857)。 1892年的H.P.,1828年的两党预算法,作为P.L.颁布成为法律。 115-123,修订了第45Q节,并将税收抵免金额从每吨二氧化碳20美元增加到50美元,用于永久封存,从EOR目的的10美元增加到35美元,并有效地取消了7500万吨的总金额上限。 地下注入二氧化碳,以及其他变化。 一些支持者认为,制定这一条款可能会成为CCS的“游戏规则改变者”,从而导致该技术的更广泛采用,尽管其他人质疑增加的激励措施是否足以影响CCS部署。

Other bills address a suite of measures to advance CCS. Several would provide additional financial incentives, such as tax-exempt private activity bonds, and provisions that would enable eligibility of master limited partnerships for CCS infrastructure projects (S. 843, S. 2005, H.R. 2011, and H.R. 4118). One bill (S. 2602) could help advance CCS by making CCS infrastructure projects eligible under the FAST Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m(6)). Other bills (S. 2803, S. 2997, H.R. 2296, H.R. 5745) would support increased R&D for CCS, carbon utilization technologies, and direct air capture of CO2. One bill (H.R. 4096) would authorize a $5 million prize to promote advances in CCS technology research and development.

其他法案涉及推进CCS的一系列措施。 有些会提供额外的财政激励措施,例如免税私人活动债券,以及能够为CCS基础设施项目提供有限合伙人资格的条款(S. 843,S。2005,H.R。2011和H.R.4118)。 一项法案(S. 2602)可以通过使CCS基础设施项目符合FAST法案(42 U.S.C.4370m(6))来帮助推进CCS。 其他法案(S. 2803,S。2997,H.R.2296,H.R.5745)将支持增加CCS的研发,碳利用技术和CO2的直接空气捕获。 一项法案(第4096号法案)将授权500万美元的奖金,以促进CCS技术研究和开发的进步。

There is broad agreement that costs for CCS would need to decrease before the technologies could be deployed commercially across the nation. The issue of greater CCS deployment is fundamental to the underlying reason CCS is deemed important by a range of proponents: to reduce CO2 emissions (or reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere) and to help mitigate against human-induced climate change.

人们普遍认为,在技术可以在全国范围内部署之前,CCS的成本需要降低。 更大的CCS部署问题对于CCS被一系列支持者认为重要的根本原因至关重要:减少二氧化碳排放(或降低大气中二氧化碳浓度)并帮助减轻人为引起的气候变化。

更多详细内容请查阅原文:Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) in the United States



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