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时间:2018-09-07 浏览:

本文转自《EURACTIV》发表的题为“The inherent dangers of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)”的报道

作者:Julia Christian




The assumption that BECCS at scale can provide carbon dioxide removals is wrong. At worst it could even accelerate climate change, writes Julia Christian. [Jay Huang / Flickr]

大规模BECCS可以减排二氧化碳的假设是错误的。Julia Christian写道,最坏的情况甚至可能加速气候变化 [Jay Huang / Flickr]

As the European Commission considers its long-term strategy to cut EU greenhouse gas emissions, Julia Christian says they must reject an unproven and dangerous technology in favour of protecting and restoring natural forests.

由于欧盟委员考虑其减少欧盟温室气体排放的长期战略,Julia Christian表示,他们拒绝一项未经证实和危险的技术,转而支持保护和恢复天然林。

Julia Christian is a campaigner at forest and rights NGO Fern.

Julia Christian是森林和权利非政府组织Fern的活动家。

In years to come, the summer of 2018 could be seen as a seminal moment: when climate change shifted for many from an abstract concept to a frightening reality.


Media outlets which were previously sceptical about global warming reversed positions, as the heatwave gripping the Northern Hemisphere saw temperatures soar inside the Arctic Circle, forest fires sweep Greece with devastating consequences, and Japan’s weather agency declare “the unprecedented levels of heat” a natural disaster.


Scientists say that the “signal of climate change is unambiguous” in this summer’s blistering temperatures, a stark illustration that time is rapidly fading to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the aim of the Paris agreement on climate change.


But to achieve this, cutting carbon dioxide emissions won’t be enough, say most climate scientists. They will also have to be removed from the atmosphere – so-called negative emissions. And the negative emissions proposal currently attracting the bulk of attention is Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS).

但大多数气候科学家表示,要实现这一目标,减少二氧化碳排放是不够的。 它们也必须从大气层中除去 - 即所谓的负排放。 目前吸引大量关注的负面排放提案是生物能源与碳捕集与封存(BECCS)。

In short: carbon is absorbed by growing trees or energy crops, which are burned to generate energy, then the emissions are captured from the smokestack and buried. The theory is that the more energy generated, the more carbon dioxide will be removed from the atmosphere.

简而言之:碳被生长的树木或能源作物吸收,燃烧产生能量,然后从烟囱中捕获并掩埋。 理论上说,产生的能量越多,从大气中去除的二氧化碳就越多。

Forests are crucial in salvaging the Paris goals – EU must lead the way

森林对于实现巴黎目标至关重要 - 欧盟必须引领这条道路

In addition to halting deforestation, the European Union must support efforts to allow forest regeneration and sequestering more carbon dioxide, write Heidi Hautala and Carlos Zorrinho.

Heidi Hautala和Carlos Zorrinho写道,除了停止砍伐森林外,欧盟还必须支持让森林更新和封存更多二氧化碳的努力。

The European Commission is in the midst of preparing a long-term strategy for reducing the European Union’s greenhouse gas emissions, and its public consultation closes on October 9. The consultation specifically calls for “opinions on technological… pathways”.


We believe that BECCS, particularly on large-scale – which seen as a “saviour technology” by some – must not be included. As we show in a new briefing, placing our faith in this unproven technology is loaded with dangers and uncertainties: for people, nature and the climate.

我们认为BECCS,特别是大规模的 - 被一些人视为“救世主技术” - 不得包括在内。正如我们在新的简报中所展示的那样,我们对这种未经证实的技术的信心充满了危险和不确定性:对人类,自然和气候都是不确定的。

It compounds one of the EU’s major policy failings in recent years: burning wood for energy on the flawed assumption that it’s carbon neutral.


The scientific consensus that burning wood is not carbon neutral is now overwhelming. Even in a best-case scenario where bioenergy is made from ‘additional biomass sources’, carbon capture and storage (CCS) only captures emissions released from burning biomass. No mention is made by its proponents of the emissions released by the soil when a forest is logged, indirect and supply chain emissions related to biomass growth, transport, refining, capturing and storing, nor the foregone sequestration from the tree that would have grown bigger had it not been cut. These could considerably reduce the positive impact of the capture and storage of the combustion emissions.


So the assumption that BECCS at scale can provide carbon dioxide removals is wrong and at worst it could even accelerate climate change.


Another major drawback is the vast amount of land that BECCS would require.


It’s been estimated that growing dedicated crops for BECCS would require 0.1-0.4 hectares of land per hypothetical tonne of carbon removed. The amount of land needed differs depending on the climate scenario, but one example which would give us a 50 per cent chance of meeting the aim of keeping global warming below two degrees would require the growing of biomass on a land area 1-2 times the size of India (380–700 million hectares). This would have dramatic impacts on food, water and biodiversity, turning our landscapes into monoculture plantations.

据估计,为BECCS种植专用作物,每减少1公吨的碳需要0.1-0.4公顷的土地。 所需的土地数量根据气候情况而有所不同,但一个例子可以让我们有50%的机会达到将全球变暖控制在2度以下的目标,这就要求陆地上的生物量增加到印度面积(380-700百万公顷)的1-2倍。这将对食物,水和生物多样性产生巨大影响,将我们的景观变成单一种植园。

So what could work?


The answer is surprisingly simple. Protecting and restoring natural forests would benefit biodiversity and bring climate and social benefits. A forthcoming scientific report commissioned by a group of NGOs including Fern underlines this: revealing that, when coupled with deep emissions cuts and halting deforestation, it can limit warming to 1.5C.

答案非常简单。 保护和恢复天然林将有益于生物多样性并带来气候和社会效益。 由包括Fern在内的一些非政府组织委托撰写的即将出版的科学报告强调了这一点:揭示当与深度减排和停止砍伐森林相结合时,它可以将升温限制在1.5C。

Unlike BECCS, restoring natural forests’ climate benefits are tried and tested. Forests already store large quantities of carbon and they have been sequestering it for hundreds of millions of years.

与BECCS不同,恢复天然林的气候效益是经过试验和测试的。 森林已经储存了大量的碳,并且它们已经封存了数亿年。

If they are protected and managed with the full inclusion of those who live in and depend upon them, forests can help us achieve the targets of Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.


Combined with deep and rapid emissions cuts and a concrete plan to halt deforestation, this ‘natural technology’ should be at the heart of the EU’s long-term decarbonisation strategy.


For more information about the forthcoming scientific report that provides a 1.5C compatible pathway with no reliance on BECSS, contact Julia Christian, forest and climate campaigner at Fern.

关于即将发布的不依赖于BECSS的科学报告的更多信息,请联系Fern的森林和气候活动家Julia Christian。



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