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Paper Publications
王会娟.Identification of Genetic Polymorphisms of CYP2W1 in the Three Main Chinese Ethnicities: Han, Tibetan, and Uighur.Drug Metabolism and Disposition,2016,44/9/1510-1515
金天博.Effects of TERT gene polymorphism and environmental factor interactions on lung cancer risk in the Xi an Han populationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE,2016,9/2/4200-U8502
王会娟.Rapid and reliable genotyping of HLA-B*57:01 in four Chinese populations using a single-tube duplex real-time PCR assayAIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES,2017,33/7/711-717
王会娟.A multiplex allele-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for HLA-B*13:01 genotyping in four Chinese populationsHLA,2016,88/4/164-171
王会娟.Rapid and reliable screening of HLA-B*15:02 in four Chinese populations using a single-tube multiplex real-time PCR assayPharmacogenomics,2017,18/9/:853-863
王会娟.Expression Profile Analysis of Zinc Transporters (ZIP4, ZIP9, ZIP11, ZnT9) in Gliomas and Their Correlation with IDH1 Mutation Status.Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention,2015,16/8/3355-60
陈超.Diagnostic significance of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) methylation and its correlation with IDH1 mutation in Chinese glioma patientsBIOMARKERS,2016,卷: 21 期: 8 页: 686-691
王会娟.Tissue-specific selection of optimal reference genes for expression analysis of anti-cancer drug-related genes in tumor samples using quantitative real-time RT-PCREXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY,2014,98/3/375-81
王会娟.Rapid and reliable genotyping of HLA-B*58:01 in four Chinese populations using a single-tube duplex real-timePCR assayPharmacogenomics,2015,17/1/47-57
王会娟.Evaluation of the effects of 18 non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms of CYP450 2C19 on in vitro drug inhibition potential by a fluorescence-based high-throughput assayXENOBIOTICA,2011,卷: 41 期: 9 页: 826-835