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Paper Publications
Effects of bed longitudinal inflexion and sediment porosity on basal entrainment mechanism: insights from laboratory debris flowsLandslides,2021,18(9):3041-3062
Experimental study on debris-flow velocity control mechanism with baffles in a drainage channelBulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2021,80(7):5203-5217
Experimental study of the shear strength of soil from the Heifangtai Platform of the Loess Plateau of ChinaJournal of Soils and Sediments,2019,19(10):3463-3475
The earthquake-triggered rock avalanche of Cui Hua, Qin Ling Mountains, P. R. of China—the benefits of a lake-damming prehistoric natural disasterQuaternary International,2002,93-94(207-214
Regression analysis for the minimum intensity-duration conditions of continuous rainfall for mud flows triggering in Yan’an, Northern Shaanxi(China).Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2014,73(4):917-928
GIS and limit equilibrium in the assessment of regional slope stability and mapping of landslide susceptibility.Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,2014,74(1105-1115
A modified Hoek-Brown failure criterion considering the damage to reservoir bank slope rocks under water saturation-dehydration circulation.Journal of Mountain Science,2017,14(4):771-781