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Paper Publications
李静.中国儿童精神发育迟滞致病生物因素的Meta分析西北大学学报(自然科学版),2016,页码:711-715 页数:5
王建强.Polymorphic variation in CHAT gene modulates general cognitive ability: An association study with random student cohortNEUROSCIENCE LETTERS,2016,卷: 617 页: 122-126
Polymorphic variation in CHAT gene modulates general cognitive ability: An association study with random student cohortNeuroscience Letters,2016,617(
张科进.Polymorphisms in the SLC12A3 Gene Encoding Sodium-Chloride Cotransporter are Associated with Hypertension: A Family-Based Study in the Mongolian PopulationKIDNEY & BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH,2016,卷: 41 期: 1 页: 18-28
金天博.A New Role for LOC101928437 in Non-Syndromic Intellectual Disability: Findings from a Family-Based Association TestPLOS ONE,2015,卷: 10 期: 8
李军林.DRD4基因与人类认知能力的相关性研究基因组学与应用生物学,2015,34 (3) :464-471
张伟.NLGN3基因多态性与秦巴山区儿童精神发育迟滞的相关性基因组学与应用生物学,2015,页码:240-246 页数:7
张科进.Modeling the overall survival of patients with advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer using data of routine laboratory testsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER,2015,卷: 136 期: 2 页: 382-391
张科进.Genetic variations in colorectal cancer risk and clinical outcomeWORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY,2014,卷: 20 期: 15 页: 4167-4177