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Paper Publications
张科进.Fatty Acid Synthesis Pathway Genetic Variants and Clinical Outcome of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients after SurgeryASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION,2014,卷: 15 期: 17 页: 7097-7103
邢连喜.A family-based association study of PRSS12 and mental retardation in the Qinba mountain region of ChinaPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS,2013,卷: 23 期: 3 页: 137-137
张科进.A family-based association study of dopamine receptor D4 and mental retardation in Qinba region of ChinaNEUROSCIENCE LETTERS,2012,卷: 516 期: 1 页: 1-4
张科进.A Family-based Association Study of DIO2 and children mental retardation in the Qinba region of ChinaJOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS,2012,卷: 57 期: 1 页: 14-17
张科进.Polymorphisms in the DLG3 Gene is not Associated with Non-Syndromic Mental Retardation in the Chinese Han Population of Qin-Ba MountainCELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY,2011,卷: 31 期: 5 页: 695-700