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Paper Publications
Intranasal OT administration but not peripheral oxytocin regulates behaviors of attachment insecurity: a meta-analysisPsychoneuroendocrinology,2021,132(7):105369
Association between the ABCA1 (R219K) polymorphism and lipid profiles: a meta-analysisScientific Reports,2020,11(1):
Genetic Variants of the MTMR9 Gene Are Associated with NonSpecific Intellectual Disability: A Family-Based Association StudyGenetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers,2020,24(1):
Revisiting the relationships of 2D:4D with androgen receptor ( AR ) gene and current testosterone levels: Replication study and meta‐analysesJournal of Neuroscience Research,2020,98(2):353-370
Prediction of Alzheimer’s disease with serum lipid levels in Asian individuals: A meta-analysisBiomarkers,2019,24(3):1-27
Mutations of ARX and non-syndromic intellectual disability in Chinese populationGenes and Genomics,2018,41(1):
Genetic Polymorphism of GABRR2 Modulates Individuals' General Cognitive Ability in Healthy Chinese Han PeopleCellular and Molecular Neurobiology,2017,37(1):
龚平原.Revisiting the impact of OXTR rs53576 on empathy: A population-based study and a meta-analysisPSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY,2017,卷: 80 页: 131-136
张科进.SLC12A3 variants modulate LDL cholesterol levels in the Mongolian populationLIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE,2017,卷: 16
张科进.Genetic Polymorphism of GABRR2 Modulates Individuals' General Cognitive Ability in Healthy Chinese Han PeopleCELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY,2017,卷: 37 期: 1 页: 93-100