Paper Publications
Controlling particle transitions with weak periodic perturbations

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Journal:Phys. Rev. A

Abstract:We investigate the particle transition dynamics in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates dominated by pair-particle transitions by introducing weak periodic perturbations to the initial states. We show that the transitions can be well controlled by varying the perturbation period while maintaining the external fields and nonlinear parameters during the transition process. In particular, there exists a critical period at which the transition efficiency is approximately 100%, with a numerical error of 0.72%. Analytic Akhmediev breather solutions and linear stability analyses show that modulation instability is the underlying mechanism for these transition dynamics. Furthermore, we establish a quantitative relation between the transition efficiency and phase shifts induced by the modulation instability. This relation can be used to measure the phase shift of the plane-wave background in well-known Akhmediev breathers.

Indexed by:Journal paper

Document Code:013318


Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2022-07-15

First Author:秦艳红

Correspondence Author:赵立臣

All the Authors:孟令正

All the Authors:李晓霖

All the Authors:辛国国

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