Lichen Zhao
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Paper Publications
Li-Chen Zhao, Liming Ling*.Quantitative relations between modulational instability and several well-known nonlinear excitations[J].JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B-OPTICAL PHYSICS,2016,33(5):卷: 33 期: 5 页: 850-856
Li-Chen Zhao, Boling Guo, and Liming Ling*.High-order rogue wave solutions for the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations-II[J].JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS,2016,57(57/4/043508
Li-Chen Zhao, Sheng-Chang Li, and Liming Ling.W-shaped solitons generated from a weak modulation in the Sasa-Satsuma equation[J].PHYSICAL REVIEW E,2016,93/3/032215
Li-Chen Zhao, Liming Ling, et al..Properties of the temporal–spatial interference pattern during soliton interaction[J].NONLINEAR DYNAMICS,2016,83(1-2):83/1-2/659-665
Yong Wu, Li-Chen Zhao, and XiaoKang Lei.The effects of background fields on vector financial rogue wave pattern[J].EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B,2015,88(11):卷: 88 期: 11
Liming Ling and Li-Chen Zhao*.Integrable pair-transition-coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations[J].Physical Review E,2015,92(022924
Li-Chen Zhao, Liming Ling, et al..Pair-tunneling induced localized waves in a vector nonlinear Schrodinger equation[J].COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2015,23(1-e):卷: 23 期: 1-3 页: 21-27
Li-Chen Zhao, Chong Liu, Zhan-Ying Yang.The rogue waves with quintic nonlinearity and nonlinear dispersion effects in nonlinear optical fibers[J].Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul.,2015,20(1):v 20,n 1,p9-13
Li-Chen Zhao, Guo-Guo Xin, and Zhan-Ying Yang.Rogue-wave pattern transition induced by relative frequency[J].Physical Review E,2014,90(2):022918
Li-Chen Zhao, Jie Liu*.Rogue-wave solutions of a three-component coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equation[J].Physical Review E,2013,87(1):013201
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