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Paper Publications
杨新军.农户贫困恢复力测度、影响效应及对策研究——基于农户家庭结构的视角中国人口·资源与环境,2016,页码:150-157 页数:8
杨新军.陕南秦巴山区可持续生计安全评价及其鲁棒性分析地理研究,2016,页码:2309-2321 页数:13
杨新军.社会—生态系统体制转换视角下的黄土高原乡村转型发展——以长武县洪家镇为例地理研究,2016,页码:1510-1524 页数:15
吴文恒.渭河下游不同类型区农户生活用能排放差异研究地理科学进展,2015,页码:141-150 页数:10
邢连喜.Association of TUSC3 gene polymorphisms with non-syndromic mental retardation based on nuclear families in the Qinba mountain area of ChinaGENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015,卷: 14 期: 2 页: 5022-5030
杨新军.Catalytic Enantioselective Tautomerization of Metastable EnaminesORGANIC LETTERS,2018,卷: 20 期: 1 页: 244-247
杨新军.Assessment and influencing factors of social vulnerability to rapid urbanization in urban fringe: A case study of Xi'anDili Xuebao/Acta Geogr. Sin.,2016,v 71,n 8,p1315-1328
杨新军.The vulnerability evolution and simulation of the social-ecological systems in the semi-arid area based on the VSD frameworkDili Xuebao/Acta Geogr. Sin.,2016,v 71,n 7,p1172-1188