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Paper Publications
Jing Tian
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
Naoxintong restores ischemia injury and inhibits thrombosis via COX2-VEGF/ NFκB signaling.[J].Journal of Ethnopharmacology,2021,270(113809):
Lipin 1 deficiency causes adult-onset myasthenia with motor neuron. dysfunction in humans and neuromuscular junction defects in zebrafish[J].Theranostics,2021,11(6):2788-2805
Genome-Wide Analysis of Cell-Free DNA Methylation Profiling for the Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer.[J].Frontiers in Genetics,2020,2(11):596078
Generation and Application of the Zebrafish heg1 Mutant as a Cardiovascular Disease Model.[J].Biomolecules,2020,10(11):1542
Deficiency of lrp4 in zebrafish and human LRP4 mutation induce aberrant activation of Jagged-Notch signaling in fin and limb development[J].Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences,2019,76(1):163-178
Genome-Wide Profiling Reveals That Herbal Medicine Jinfukang-Induced Polyadenylation Alteration Is Involved in Anti-Lung Cancer Activity[J].Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,2017,2017(5326909):Epub 2017 Nov 1
Quantitative imaging reveals real-time Pou5f3-Nanog complexes driving dorsoventral mesendoderm patterning in zebrafish[J].eLIFE,2016,5(e11475.):
ELABELA: a hormone essential for heart development signals via the apelin receptor[J].Developmental Cell,2013,
Loss of CHSY1, a Secreted FRINGE Enzyme, Causes Syndromic Brachydactyly and Increased NOTCH Signaling in Humans.[J].The American Journal of Human Genetics,2010,
Definition of the phenotypic spectrum of Temtamy preaxial brachydactyly syndrome associated with autosomal recessive CHYS1 mutations[J].Middle East Journal of Medical Genetics.,2012,
The pro-domain of the zebrafish Nodal-related protein Cyclops regulates its signaling activities.[J].Development,2008,
A temperature-sensitive mutation in the nodal-related gene cyclops reveals that the floor plate is induced during gastrulation in zebrafish[J].Development,2003,
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